When I had a friend of my husband's help me set up an Eli Easton website in 2012, I had sold three stories to Dreamspinner but had yet to have a single one of them come out. So "Eli Easton", at that time, was really only a dream--a hope that one day there would be a reason for an Eli Easton site to exist. :-)
Nearly six years and thirty books later, I've finally gotten around to redoing the website and making it look like a professional author site. Thanks to RJ Scott for prompting me to get my butt in gear and get it done, Sarina Bowen for the design inspiration, and squarespace for the rad tools. Oh, and my new logo is by Eriq Chang.
My old blog posts were imported over from my previous Wordpress site and so they look like ass. I don't intend to go back and fix them all. But moving forward, they'll look better, I promise. :-)