Spring Catch-up

Hi, everyone! I hope your spring has been as beautiful and exciting as mine has been. I wanted to "decloak" my typical invisibility garb (sigh) and give you an update on what I've been writing and what you can expect and when. LATEST RELEASE

My last book published is "Snowblind" from Dreamspinner in Feb 2017. It's a romantic suspense story, sort of spy vs spy, with some steamy snowed-in hyjinks in a cabin in Alaska and then quite a lot of suspense action!  The plot has a lot of twists and turns. "Snowblind" is also out now in audio. Click below to see my page with links and excerpts.


This full-length novel was written in Jan-Feb and is a contemporary NA with bffs becoming something more. Andy and Jake are pretty much nuts. They love doing dares and stunts. They're just graduating from NYU and are about to go their separate ways for the first time in their lives. At their graduation party, Andy pulls one dare too many. It leads he and Jake to spend the summer in Andy's family cottage in Nantucket recuperating from bad burns to their palms. Two risk-taking, hormone-fueled guys alone all summer without the use of their hands. What could go wrong?

The boys in my story were inspired, physically, by my favorite TV show of last year, Eyewitness. This title will be published by Riptide in the fall.


I just finished writing book #2 in the Men of Lancaster County series. Book #1 was "A Second Harvest" and I was thrilled that it won Best Contemporary in the Rainbow Awards last year.  "Tender Mercies" can be read as a stand-alone and is about an entirely new couple but set in the same area. Here's the temporary blurb:

Eddie Graham had a dream to create a sanctuary for rescued farm animals. When his long-time partner dumps him just before their move to Lancaster County, Eddie is stuck with a 25-acre property to manage and big bills to pay on half the income he anticipated. He fears his dream has failed before it even got started. He needs help, and he needs money, but most importantly, he needs to find his power to believe again.

Samuel Miller worked hard all his life to fit into his Amish community despite being born with a club foot. But when his father learns Samuel is secretly gay, he is whipped and shunned. Alone, with just a few hundred dollars to his name, Samuel is desperate for a job and a place to stay. He responds to an ad for a farmhand and finds himself employed by a city guy who has strange ideas about animals and no clue how to run his small farm.

Tender Mercies is currently under review at Dreamspinner, but will hopefully be coming out in the fall as well. Below is an image that inspired my idea of what Samuel looks like (only, ya know, Amish).


I just started working on Howl at the Moon #4. This will be a self-pub, so I hope to get it out in June.

Personal Stuff

A few weeks ago, my husband and I attended my step-daughter's wedding. She's been a true daughter to me since I've been in her life since she was two-and-a-half years old. It was a gorgeous wedding in Marin County, CA and so romantic!

That's all for this update. Have a wonderful May.
