New book contract, Giveaway and Assorted Stuff

Artie_Happy_Gif Well, today did not suck!  I received a contract from Dreamspinner for "The Enlightenment of Daniel", which is the second book in my "Sex in Seattle" series (the first is "The Trouble With Tony", due out Aug 21).  "The Enlightenment of Daniel" is slated for publication in Dec 2013/Jan 2014.

I've also received a couple more 5 star reviews for "Superhero":

The Novel Approach says “Superhero is the perfect summer coming-of-age read”

Live Your Life By The Book says “This is a book that just pushed all the right buttons for me. I loved the writing style. It is filled with humor and real emotion.”

"SUPERHERO" Giveaway

If you haven't read "Superhero", you can win a free copy of the ebook.  Just go leave a comment on the wonderful YA blog, True Colorz.



Today is release Day for "Superhero! Get 25% off.


It's July 25th, release day for my m/m romance YA novella "Superhero"!   Dreamspinner is running a 25% off sale right now to celebrate gay marriage in the UK so you can pick this up on sale.  Here's the link:

You can read more about Superhero (including an excerpt) here.


A few reviews are in:

5 stars review  from Hearts on Fire 

5 star review from Madison Parker

Release day blog guest post "Dreaming Big" on Madison Parker's site

